The things that are in PURPLE are the ones I have done thus far.
I Copied from this who copied it from groovy chick who copied from this cool chick.....Copy it if you wish :)
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow Fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
l24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb - Does a baby goat count?
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
49. Kissed in the rain
50. Played in the mud
51. Gone to a drive-in theater
52. Been in a movie
53. Visited the Great Wall of China
54. Started a business
55. Taken a martial arts class
56. Visited Russia
57. Served at a soup kitchen
58. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
59. Gone whale watching
60. Got flowers for no reason
61. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
62. Gone sky diving
63. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
64. Bounced a check
65. Flown in a helicopter
66. Saved a favorite childhood toy
67. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
68. Eaten Caviar
69. Pieced a quilt
70. Stood in Times Square
71. Toured the Everglades
72. Been fired from a job
73. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
74. Broken a bone
75. Been on a speeding motorcycle
76. Seen the Grand Canyon in person- Yellowstone Grand Canyon count?
77. Published a book
78. Bought a brand new car
79. Walked in Jerusalem
80. Had your picture in the newspaper
81. Read the entire Bible
82. Visited the White House
83. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
84. Had chickenpox
85. Saved someone’s life
86. Sat on a jury
87. Met someone famous
88. Joined a book club
89. Lost a loved one
90. Had a baby
91. Seen the Alamo in person
92. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
93. Been involved in a law suit
94. Owned a cell phone
95. Been stung by a bee
96. Totally copied a post from someone else's blog to your own
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
My Friends Who Blog
I want you all to know that I read all your blogs daily. I can feel your happiness and sadness and frustrations in your lives.
Thank you to all who blog daily or every other day. It is what I read when I check my emails as I have feed set up to alert me when something new has been added.
Again thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Thank you to all who blog daily or every other day. It is what I read when I check my emails as I have feed set up to alert me when something new has been added.
Again thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Since Agusut...
...I have been busy with work, college, and life. ;)
I got my braces off. Began the Fall Qrtr @ GRCC taking Math 124 which is 1 of 3 Calculus Classes. Work began on September 4, 2008.
I only work 4 hours a day but end up staying about 1/2 extra to help the kids. I am enjoying the classes I work in and the teachers are awesome as well. I get to help kids with their english and reading skills, science, and math skills.
Braces came off after being VERY VERY VERY frustrated over my gums getting "eaten" alive by the brackets and wires.
The fall quarter began like any other. Homework the first night. I thought working only 4 hours would allow me the extra time for math study. Nope. It turns out that I do all my errands and appointments after work b/c why schedule during work when I have the whole afternoon free.
I got my braces off. Began the Fall Qrtr @ GRCC taking Math 124 which is 1 of 3 Calculus Classes. Work began on September 4, 2008.
I only work 4 hours a day but end up staying about 1/2 extra to help the kids. I am enjoying the classes I work in and the teachers are awesome as well. I get to help kids with their english and reading skills, science, and math skills.
Braces came off after being VERY VERY VERY frustrated over my gums getting "eaten" alive by the brackets and wires.
The fall quarter began like any other. Homework the first night. I thought working only 4 hours would allow me the extra time for math study. Nope. It turns out that I do all my errands and appointments after work b/c why schedule during work when I have the whole afternoon free.

Friday, August 22, 2008
I am on TBTL
There is this show on Kiro 710 (now on 97.3 FM) called Too Beautiful Too Live with Luke Burbank, Jen Andrews, and crew.
They hosted a TBTL Prom last weekend. They asked for listeners (whether you were going or not) to submit your photos from prom. Well....unbeknownst to me....I was checking the site to see the TBTL Prom of 2008 and noticed 1 of 2 prom photos on the main page.
Here is the link..check it out and DO NOT laugh at the hair. LOL
They hosted a TBTL Prom last weekend. They asked for listeners (whether you were going or not) to submit your photos from prom. Well....unbeknownst to me....I was checking the site to see the TBTL Prom of 2008 and noticed 1 of 2 prom photos on the main page.
Here is the link..check it out and DO NOT laugh at the hair. LOL
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Major Announcement
I have a major announcement to share with all my bloggers out in cyber world.
I have decided not to return back to work this September. Why? Well, it is due to my college classes. I have to take 2 math classes per quarter for the next three (3) quarters. I need to be completely done by Spring 2009. I will then be heading to City University to finish up getting my teaching credentials.
I am excited but scared at the same time. The Fall quarter doesn't begin until September 22, 2008 and will need to fill my time with something. I have thought about doing the following (with putting an astericks at the end of those things that will get done.)
The following are:
Donate Clothes to Value Village*
Donate Books to the Library*
Make a Dumped Run*
Finish Reading: Golden Ratio*
Finish Reading: History of Pi*
Figure out how to use my TI-89 Calculator
I am sure there are more things I can be doing and will be adding to the list. :)
I have decided not to return back to work this September. Why? Well, it is due to my college classes. I have to take 2 math classes per quarter for the next three (3) quarters. I need to be completely done by Spring 2009. I will then be heading to City University to finish up getting my teaching credentials.
I am excited but scared at the same time. The Fall quarter doesn't begin until September 22, 2008 and will need to fill my time with something. I have thought about doing the following (with putting an astericks at the end of those things that will get done.)
The following are:
Donate Clothes to Value Village*
Donate Books to the Library*
Make a Dumped Run*
Finish Reading: Golden Ratio*
Finish Reading: History of Pi*
Figure out how to use my TI-89 Calculator
I am sure there are more things I can be doing and will be adding to the list. :)
My Fitness Pal
I have decided to take my calorie counting to the next level. I have joined an online Fitness Pal that will track my calorie intake, track my exercises as well. The calorie logging area has a lot of the popular foods that we all tend to eat and LOVE. Check it out!!! :) Join me and we can help each other stay on track.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Things I "LURV"....
My friend Tiffany inspired me to think about the things that I love or as she says..LURV.
1) Venti Americano
2) LG Voyager Phone from Verizon
3) New BackPack for College
4) My Wolfsburg Volkswagon
5) My Nikon Camera
6) Freshly Made Bed with clean sheets
7) My Cowboy Hat
8) Summers
9) Change of the Leaves
10) Daily Fried Egg Sandwich
11) Daily Treadmill Walk
1) Venti Americano
2) LG Voyager Phone from Verizon
3) New BackPack for College
4) My Wolfsburg Volkswagon
5) My Nikon Camera
6) Freshly Made Bed with clean sheets
7) My Cowboy Hat
8) Summers
9) Change of the Leaves
10) Daily Fried Egg Sandwich
11) Daily Treadmill Walk
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
All Growed Up
My little girl has grown into such a beautiful young adult. Did I do a good job raising her? Will she go to college? What dreams does she have? Will she get married? Have kids? Where has the time gone?
I remember worrying about someone snatching her away from me in the middle of the night shortly after she was born. She was so laid back and relaxed about anything and towards everyone. It was so much fun to watch her sleep with her hair all messed up, hugging her doll all the while sucking on her thumb.
This girl who came into my world on July 3rd, 1990 will be graduating on June 6th, 2008 from Curlew High School. I would love to take ALL the credit but cannot and will not. She moved to her dad's house in the middle of her 8th grade. She attended the rest of junior high and high school living with her dad. She is the product of her dad and I. Hopefully she was able to take the best parts of us and developed into her own person. Love you Amber!!!!
I remember worrying about someone snatching her away from me in the middle of the night shortly after she was born. She was so laid back and relaxed about anything and towards everyone. It was so much fun to watch her sleep with her hair all messed up, hugging her doll all the while sucking on her thumb.
This girl who came into my world on July 3rd, 1990 will be graduating on June 6th, 2008 from Curlew High School. I would love to take ALL the credit but cannot and will not. She moved to her dad's house in the middle of her 8th grade. She attended the rest of junior high and high school living with her dad. She is the product of her dad and I. Hopefully she was able to take the best parts of us and developed into her own person. Love you Amber!!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
during Memorial Day Weekend, I attended a scrapbook marathon with some of my "closest" friends. ;) We scrapped, ate, chatted, and anything else you can think of doing at a weekend crop session.
One topic that stood out in my mind were season finales and the leading men that women would love to have a date with. At that given moment I couldn't think of anyone and felt that was a true testament of my unwavering love for my husband. But alas...I watched my TiVo'd stuff and found not 1 but 2 men I would love to have a date with. What show you ask?
The show that has not 1 but 2 men worth drooling over is, "Miami Ink." Freakin' yummy guys: Ami James and Tim.
One topic that stood out in my mind were season finales and the leading men that women would love to have a date with. At that given moment I couldn't think of anyone and felt that was a true testament of my unwavering love for my husband. But alas...I watched my TiVo'd stuff and found not 1 but 2 men I would love to have a date with. What show you ask?
The show that has not 1 but 2 men worth drooling over is, "Miami Ink." Freakin' yummy guys: Ami James and Tim.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thank you Tiffany @ The End of the Beginning
As I was reading blogs that I subscribe to (mostly friends) it was refreshing to know that I, too, am not the only one who struggle with viewing the myself in my shape. Tiffany @ The End of the Beginning had this too say, about loosing weight. I struggle with my inner beauty being seen on the outside when I look in a mirror. I am also determined to loose my "muffin top." What is interesting is that we are our worst critics when it comes to self-examining via the mirror.
However, looking at old photos remind me that I have come a long way to where I am now and DO NOT want to EVER go back to "quishy mommy" as I was so loving referred to by my daughter (she meant it in the nicest way).
As I venture on to my "ideal weight" (according to my personal trainer, Scott) more inner self-reflecting will be neccessary to appreciate the hard work and beauty that is coming out from the inside. Thanks again Tiffany for your inspiring words and companionship as you and I both go through our transfermations. :)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
I want to remember...
I want to remember....
...what it is like to sleep in
...what it is like to have more time for blogging
...what scrapbooking is
...what the sunny day looks like
...what my life what like without responsiblities
I want more time... watch the grass grow see all my friends scrapbook ALL my photos devote more time to my Math Classes
...what it is like to sleep in
...what it is like to have more time for blogging
...what scrapbooking is
...what the sunny day looks like
...what my life what like without responsiblities
I want more time... watch the grass grow see all my friends scrapbook ALL my photos devote more time to my Math Classes
Saturday, January 26, 2008
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