Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thank you Tiffany @ The End of the Beginning

As I was reading blogs that I subscribe to (mostly friends) it was refreshing to know that I, too, am not the only one who struggle with viewing the myself in my shape. Tiffany @ The End of the Beginning had this too say, about loosing weight. I struggle with my inner beauty being seen on the outside when I look in a mirror. I am also determined to loose my "muffin top." What is interesting is that we are our worst critics when it comes to self-examining via the mirror.

However, looking at old photos remind me that I have come a long way to where I am now and DO NOT want to EVER go back to "quishy mommy" as I was so loving referred to by my daughter (she meant it in the nicest way).

As I venture on to my "ideal weight" (according to my personal trainer, Scott) more inner self-reflecting will be neccessary to appreciate the hard work and beauty that is coming out from the inside. Thanks again Tiffany for your inspiring words and companionship as you and I both go through our transfermations. :)

1 comment:

Little ol' Me said...

I honestly think the stuff on inside is harder to adjust than the outside. What we see in the mirror is so much more than inches...there is so much baggage that goes along with our self image.

Learning to appreciate ourselves - in whatever shape we are - is so much harder to do than one would think. It's an ongoing battle that one day we'll win, I'm sure of it.

If it were easy everyone would be walking around with fab bodies and great self image. LOL, I don't think it's supposed to be easy. We appreciate what we have to work for :)

You're doing so great! You really should feel proud of your efforts and when we're alive at 96 making all those little old men chase us down the hallways of the nursing homes it'll all be worth it! Hehe,
