Saturday, May 03, 2008

I want to remember...

I want to remember....

...what it is like to sleep in
...what it is like to have more time for blogging
...what scrapbooking is
...what the sunny day looks like
...what my life what like without responsiblities

I want more time... watch the grass grow see all my friends scrapbook ALL my photos devote more time to my Math Classes

1 comment:

Little ol' Me said...

Math class?

Sigh... you need to get our more girlfriend!! LOL!

What about remembering pedicures, shoe shopping, the way ice cream will dribble all the way to your elbow when it melts out of the cone, or the smell of coppertone and sunshine?

I try to forget math...hehe...then again that's most likey because I'm so bad at it!!