Thursday, October 25, 2007 peeves!

We all have pet peeves and I decided to list mine just so that I am not constantly thinking about them. LOL

Here are mine:
1) Drivers not using their turn signal

2) Drivers driving down the middle turn lane just to sit there until it turns green when if they would've waited, to enter turn lane when legally to do so, they could have kept driving b/c the light would be green. :)

3) Co-workers who DO NOT pull their own weight

4) Those who tease others (period).

5) When I repeatedly drop things in a short period of time

6) Those who feel they have to be correct about EVERYTHING!!!

So, those are a few that come to mind right now. I am sure there are more. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what you forgot to list me as one of your pet peeves. WOW I am coming up in the world....or is it that xmas is around the corner