Monday, January 21, 2013

Daily Goods

January 1- Kelly got to spend the first day of 2013 with me!
January 2 - Tabitha told me not to worry about student teaching till January 7.
January 3 - First day back after a two week break for The holidays
January 4 - it is Friday
January 5 - I didn't have to get up early for class
January 6 - Watched Seahawks win the Wild Card Playoff Game
January 7 - I didn't have to use sick leave b/c I'm not even getting paid
January 8 - I made it to work and didn't have to teach
January 9 - Late arrival :)
January 14 - 18 Student Teaching all week! I had a lot of fun!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


It still amazes me how the inner workings of a family, no matter how minute, can upset the whole balance. I am partly to blame for this as I got sucked into sharing information about one of my girls . I get caught up in a good conversation with my mom and forget that what is said to her will get back to my oldest. It wouldn't be so bad if what was repeated was exactly what was said and no interpretation built into the repeating of what I said. It usually ends up with me swung a bunch of "shit" as my daughter puts it. Sometimes I wonder if my mom would like for her granddaughter, my daughter, to not be on speaking terms.

So, I will still have conversations with my mom but I will no longer answer questions about my girls. My mom will have to ask them directly and wait for an answer from them.