Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Reflection

So, only a couple more days left in 2012.  It has been a year of ups and downs, trying to figure things out and figure out who I am.

There were many good things that happened this year that one would wonder why I still focus on the negative or not so good things.  Well, being that I am wired to analyze things over and over to see if something different could have taken place, makes me think about things that cannot be changed whatsoever.

For example; First impressions are extremely important. Remember that Amber and Stephanie as you go out in the working world.  No matter how much I have tried to show people that I am actually smart and mature (yes, I act mature in the work place), they will always see me as this lady who was bouncing off the walls when I first began working in education.   Also, what could I have done differently in my past to make things different today?  Probably nothing but my mind wonders when I get going.

Some of the good things, revolations, etc. have allowed me to understand things a little more clearly.  Like, I got to enjoy what it is like to be a student who has been given grades based on personal beliefs not on what I actually did or contributed. This has given great insight on how NOT to treat my students.  I've also got to enjoy the inept ability of some people to communicate and follow through on things when they were suppose to (and the college wonders why their enrollment is going down).

I had 3 observations during my last internship and ROCKED them ALL :) My field supervisor says my lesson plans are the best she has seen in a long time and my lessons are SOLID!! :) As I begin my student teaching the day we get back work Jan. 3, 2103; I am filled with excitement and fear.  I am excited for the opportunity to get teaching under my belt but also fearful that I will bomb in classroom management.  As Tabitha will say, I put way to much pressure on myself to be perfect.  Which is true; however, aren't the administration, district, and then the state putting that pressure on us to be "perfect" and to teach to every child.

With the excitement of student teaching comes the worry about finances.  I worry that we won't be able to make ends meet or that my relationship with Kelly will suffer b/c he is working a lot of extra hours to sell another car to make money.  I also hate relying on him to pay the bills.  I relied on someone for 15 years and then got back on my feet and blam..all over again.  I know 6 months isn't that long but is something I am working on. 

Another high note, my relationship with my girls is awesome!! I love being their mom and watching them grow into adults who understand things and are contributing to society.  :)  I am very proud of my girls. more thing..My BFF is getting married in October of 2013 and I am her maid of honor.

As I wind down my last remaining days of Christmas Break, I will be doing a craft project from Pinterest, getting lessons together for my cherubs, and attending the last Seahawks game of the season.  WOOT!!!

Happy New Year to everyone :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Last Day of the School Year

Finally, we made it to the end of another school year. Where did the time go? I truly feel like the year had begun and now it is done. Exciting things happening for me right now and coming up that make my decision to be a teacher. More to come